
3D dimensional ultrasonic probe oil injection process upgrade

If a 3D-dimensional probe wants to capture high-quality images with sound, realism, and a three-dimensional sense, the quality of the oil in the oil bladder and the injection process are extremely demanding. Regarding the selection of oil components, our company has selected the highest quality and most suitable oil after countless comparisons and summaries in continuous practice. As for the oil injection process, we are constantly exploring and improving it. The previous process used the injection method. After a small amount of multiple injections and vibrations, the bubbles in the oil bladder were repaired. Now we use oil extraction, inserting the oil inlet pipe into the oil flow hole and sealing it. After using a vacuum pump to extract the air from the oil bag at the oil outlet, the oil in the oil pipe will slowly fill the entire space. Use a pressure gauge to indicate the negative pressure value to better control the extraction time and pressure to crush the oil bag shell or Deformation. The oil pumping method can completely eliminate bubbles and wait for better product quality. The exhausted bubbles are automatically eliminated, and one injection is successful. Most of the oil injection cycles are completed in one week, thus reducing the cost of probe maintenance and providing our Houston customers with More advantageous prices and higher quality product probes (probe repair services).8d5825ab10982e55482dc03a07f7922

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Post time: Oct-10-2023